Kilia Kurayami

Preview of Kilia

Kiki Lockheart

Preview of Kiki

Skye Shinryu

Preview of Skyfall

Blaise Shinryu

Silhouette of model 6

Nanimo Navi

Silhouette of model 9

Amora Lumina

Silhouette of model 5

Zumi Dokumi

Silhouette of model 8

Mirri Saffire

Silhouette of model 7
Picture of Kilia

Kilia Kurayami

She spent decades hiding from the world. Hiding from
what she had done. But after a lifetime of darkness,
a light pulls her from the depths, granting her a
single wish,to start again. A new place to call home
and be free from the abyss inside of her heart.

  • Model: Maigo
  • Live2D: Mewlatte
  • Birthday: October 21
Picture of Kiki

Kiki Lockheart

Her keys bring families together, but ironically,
she has none of her own. When calamity befalls her
world, a warm light saves her soul. The light grants
her a single wish, to be reborn with a home to come
back to, in exchange for unlocking people’s hearts.

  • Model: Xixeong
  • Live2D: Reinly
  • Birthday: April 28
Picture of Skye

Skye Shinryu

The skies were her beloved home, that which she protected
with a pledge upon her blade. All great things must come
to an end however, as she was felled in a great battle— not
wanting to leave behind a legacy of bloodshed, her woes
granted her a second chance from the light that reached
out to her. Now, she pledges anew to protect the smiles of
those she holds dear.

  • Model & Live2D: Amane Uta
  • Birthday: January 13
Picture of Blaise

Blaise Shinryu

From books to blades, the fire of revenge had led her astray. Finally, she's found herself back on the right path.

  • Model & Live2D: Amane Uta
  • Birthday: July 6
Picture of Blaise

Zumi Dokumi

A chaotic frog with a deadly poison seeks to rid herself of
her toxic nature by making a wish to a mysterious sea creature. However, her wish takes an unexpected turn,
a dark portal opens with a familiar hand pulling her in.

  • Model: Shouu
  • Live2D: Reinly
  • Birthday: March 16
Picture of Mirri

Mirri Saffire

A journey of self discovery quickly turns into more than she
bargained for. A warm light grants her a chance to start
over, right her wrongs, and put a smile on the face of
everyone she meets.

  • Model: PoPooch
  • Live2D: Reinly
  • Birthday: June 1
Picture of Nanimo

Nanimo Navi

Born from advanced tech, dedicated to royalty,
Nanimo Navi navigated both stars and royal whims.
Yet, it's her bond with a curious princess and the ticking
of her own time that might be the most compelling voyage.

  • Model: Riko
  • Live2D: Bri
  • Birthday: September 21
Picture of Amora

Amora Lumina

After a lifetime of living up to royal expectations;
Her new duty is bringing love and hope to
the people of the universe, one planet at a time.

  • Model & Live2D: Whice Studio
  • Birthday: August 10